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pure translation中文是什么意思

用"pure translation"造句"pure translation"怎么读"pure translation" in a sentence


  • 纯直移


  • Pure translation theories are prior to characterized translation theories and applied translation theories
  • As far as translation theory and translation practice are concerned , major efforts in translation teaching should be devoted to the teaching of pure translation theories
  • With the thriving development of translation in the world , pure translation theories haven ' t been playing its proper roles in the development of translation and translation teaching in china
  • The motion models and the corresponding motion equations for pure rotation and pure translation are established respectively . several algorithms are proposed for calculating the pure rotational motion parameters and the pure translation motion ones using correspondence of conic curves respectively
  • It is shown that a system of linear equations is resolved to obtain the rotational parameters by using of seven couple of conic curves in image sequences when the motion of a rigid object is pure rotational . when the motion of a rigid object is pure translation , a system of non - linear equations is resolved using iterative method , or using the method for resolving quartic equation . the translation parameters with a scale factor may be determined and the translation direction can be obtained
    研究结果表明,在纯旋转运动分析中,最少利用图像序列中7条对应二次曲线,可以线性地求解刚体旋转运动参数;在纯平移运动分析中,只需利用图像序列中1条对应二次曲线就可以求解刚体相对平移运动参数(即平移方向) ,分别用非线性迭代法和一元四次方程解法求解了刚体相对平移运动参数(即平移方向) 。
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